Friday, March 13, 2020

The Quest for New Hardware, pt. 1

Recently I've been considering what types of hardware setups might be the next natural step for training the model. In the past I've used a Jetson TX1 devkit, which is a rather modest piece of hardware and allows me to do a bit heavier finetuning. I have this running on its own in a back bedroom, and it's helpful to have a box that is dedicated to that rather than trying to share time with my laptop or a desktop, for example.

However, the dataset I train on has grown considerably, now over 200K images. This is large enough that I believe it may be reasonable to consider training from scratch rather than finetuning. Training from scratch, however, requires much more computing power - and ideally could run in significantly larger batch sizes.

In fact, one of the key things I wanted to be able to do was run batch sizes on par with training "modern" CNN's from scratch using ImageNet. This varies widely, but let's say ~100 images or so per batch as a reasonable target. Generally speaking, this means more GPU RAM.

However, I'm doing my best to keep on a relatively tight budget - ideally something around $1000. This is lower than many new setups typically run, even ones aimed at the budget-conscious consumer - see for example this blog post with this nice, new box settling in at a reasonable $1700. This necessitated some deep introspection about what I was truly try to achieve, and ultimately I settled on roughly this set of priorities:
  1. GPU RAM
  2. Speed
  3. Future expansion
My thought was that by prioritizing RAM, I could train almost any model - but perhaps at a slower speed.

With these priorities in mind, I considered several possibilities for a new or second-hand setup. With a different set of constraints than many considering a machine learning rig, I was pleasantly surprised by the sheer diversity of possible solutions.
  1. Purchase a Jetson AGX Xavier devkit. The price on these seems to have been reducing, and now the devkit just got upgraded to 32GB of RAM shared between GPU and CPU.
  2. Build a desktop and add higher-quality consumer-level cards like the popular 1080 TI or perhaps even the newer 2080 to it.
  3. Build a specialized rig and purchase many second-hand crypto mining rig cards - sort of a quantity over quality approach.
  4. Look to older server solutions and see what was available.
After quite some time of searching, I settled on option #4. I discovered that I could find the now relatively old NVidia K80 cards in GPU servers for an acceptable price, providing a surprisingly strong GPU RAM/$ ratio at a satisfactory level of speed. I've never really looked into the world of servers before, and it was an enjoyable journey - but a bit of an overwhelming one at first. I joined the subreddit /r/homelab, a friendly place to discuss running servers at home. (I'd like especially to thank merkuron for their help!)

Ultimately I settled on an older GPU server by SuperMicro, the 2027GR-TRF. I currently plan to add one K80 to it, but it has support for up to two if I wish to expand in the future. I have recently been working on acquiring the full solution in various pieces, primarily through Ebay. I have gotten most of the parts but need a few more before I can put it all together, so stay tuned for more updates!

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