Sunday, February 28, 2021

3.0 Inbound Soon!

 I'm excited to tell you about the upcoming 3.0 release! I've finished most of the key development on it and will be moving to a further round of testing/tweaking relatively soon.

So, why move to 3.0 since the move to 2.0 was not long ago? Let's take a look at the feature list.

Video Peek

I've blogged about this before but a simple form of video scanning is coming. It will "peek" at a good chunk of the first part of a "basic" video and block it if bad content is detected over a sustained period. "Basic" videos include most simple embedded and banner ad videos and some services such as TikTok. More advanced "streaming" video services basically need to be handled on a case-by-case basis because behind the scenes they work differently from each other; for now, the only "streaming" site support is YouTube. Here the video is streamed chunk by chunk and each chunk has the first section scanned.
When a video is blocked, the behavior will depend on when the blocking occurred. If it happened right at the beginning, a placeholder Wingman Jr. icon may appear in the video stream. If it happens midstream, it is not easy to insert an image so the video will simply stop playing; there is also a visual indicator that will appear on the Wingman Jr. icon - to be discussed a bit later.

Note this feature is still quite new and may need some further refinement, but I found the current form useful enough that I wanted to share it with you. There will be an option to turn video scanning on and off apart from image scanning. Don't hesitate to send in feedback using the link in the popup options after you've used it - there are a number of constraints on what I'm able to do but I'd like to hear about your experiences to make it as good as possible.

New Model

The model in 2.0.1, SQRXR 62, has been in use for a long time. I've done many experiments to see if I could create a worthy successor, but improvements had long been marginal enough that I did not wish to change the current experience.

However, that has now changed with the advent of SQRXR 112. It builds on a slightly different base model and achieves better results. I'm still working on the final cutoff parameters to use for the release but the bulk of the work is done. If you're a machine learning nerd, you can use the model in your own projects - check it out here.

Silent Mode

The human psyche is such that we are curious creatures - and it is human nature to seek out the "forbidden fruit". Currently the browsing experience accentuates where the blocked images have been; even though they are not visible, it can potentially promote a dark pattern where one can want to click on the image slot to see what was there.

I've long had an issue out to improve this with a "silent mode" where blocked images are instead transparently replaced. I gave it a whirl and so far I'm quite liking the results. The actual implementation places a small watermark with "W" and the image score in the center of the replaced image, so it is discernible if you look closely. However, in a wall of images it does not stand out heavily and cognitively I've found it to be significantly less jarring.

Scanning Progress Feedback

Have you ever wondered in the past: did the addon get stuck? Or is this image just taking a long time or failing to load?
Now you'll be able to have more clarity on that. A simple progress bar has been embedded in the main browser action icon, so you'll be to track how many images are queued up to be scanned. Additionally, it provides a video scanning indicator in the form of a tiny "v" in the bottom right; a blocked video will also cause this area to light up with a different color.

Advanced Option - Tensorflow.js Backend Selection

Tensorflow.js is the library I use to perform the AI model predictions. It has more than one "backend" that can be used to perform the calculations. For many users, the WebGL one is the best default choice. However, one of my users surprised me by sharing that the new WASM backend was faster for them. On my computer it is about 10x slower than the WebGL backend, so this was unexpected. This user requested that I implement a new feature to allow the user to choose the backend - that will be available in this upcoming release as well.

When Will It Be Ready?

As noted, development is mostly wrapped up - at that point it will mostly depend on what gremlins are found during testing. Stay tuned!