Sunday, December 26, 2021

3.3.0 Now Available!

 Three main updates this time!

First, GIFs will finally be scanned on a frame-by-frame basis rather than simply scanning the first frame. Note that the replacement image logic still has a bit of work so blocked images will often appear as a broken GIF. See the blog post for more details!

The second feature - default zones - comes from a new contributor, Abdullah! ( When the addon starts up, you can now pick which zone is set by default in the settings. This is a great feature and I think it will work especially well with the way some people want to use the plugin. Thanks Abdullah!

Finally, I tweaked the flags on the Tensorflow.js library/model startup (for the WebGL backend). This part of the startup is what causes the several second delay, so it's an important place to try to optimize. With the new settings, I've seen my startup time go from about 10 seconds to 5 seconds, but every computer is going to be a bit different. Let me know in the feedback link how it's working for you!

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