Monday, December 14, 2020

Release 2.0.1 - reCAPTCHA, Zone Switching Fixes

 Upon the release of 2.0.0, I got a note from one user indicating that reCAPTCHA was no longer working for them. They recommended I added a whitelist for this - I thought that was a good idea so I did.

However, while investigating I also found a bug that was potentially causing two different images to get scrambled while scanning, which significantly impact results. Ironically, my little Wingman Jr. icon was being flagged! I fixed this issue.

I also found a small error with the stats calculation that would have caused an unexpected change in zone switching behavior and overall image scan results and fixed that as well.

I also added a new open-ended feedback link in the addon itself in the zones menu. I may need to restrict this at some point but I thought it might be good to provide a way for feedback!

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