I was excited about a new service announced by Cloudflare this week - " for Families"! I admit, without an understanding of the company and the technology, that headline might not be the most eye-catching. Let me provide a bit of background.
Cloudflare is a technology company that provides many foundational services for using the internet. One exceptionally important service they provides is the DNS or Domain Name Service. While we think of internet addresses as text-based addresses, these text-based addresses are converted to a numerical form under the hood called an IP address that is used to route traffic. Specifically, the hostname - for example "google.com" - is represented numerically, but not the part of the address afterwards that goes to a specific page. Basically, every single webpage you visit "resolves" the hostname into this IP address by using a "DNS Provider".
One trick that has long been used is to block hostnames that contain questionable content by simply saying using a DNS provider that says "I don't know how to convert yourbadsite.com into an IP address", so all requests for media from that hostname fail. This is a lightweight check, and is a relatively coarse form of a blacklist. Maintaining this blacklist is a gargantuan effort, almost always a commercial one.
So what is this " for Families"? Well, two years ago Cloudflare launched their own DNS provider at "". Now they have extended - free to the public - offerings that can filter out hostnames of known malware and adult content providers.
Wingman Jr. relies on AI to scan images fully client-side, which has the distinct advantage that 1) each image is considered individually rather than being lumped in with a whole site and 2) no communication with an external service provider is needed. However, as I've had at least one user helpfully remind me in an email, video is not blocked. Long term, I would like to support filtering video, but it is a difficult technical challenge to get right - and performant. One thing I can do in the mean time is provide the option to also block images and video by using the lighter weight DNS-based approach. This is now quite feasible thanks to Cloudflare!
So how does it work? Well, roughly speaking you go to the plugin's new settings area and enable DNS-based blocking. That's all you have to do. Under the hood, the plugin will start capturing image and video requests before they even occur and check the hostname with Cloudflare's servers. If Cloudflare says to block it, the image or video request will be aborted - you won't even see the usual Wingman icon or the update to the number of blocked images.
Now here's the thing: while there is a definite upside to this - a second layer of blocking, in some cases better efficiency, and basic video blocking - enabling this option does communicate the domains you are fetching media from with Cloudflare. Additionally, some websites with rather mixed content may end up being categorically blocked. These are tradeoffs - which means I am making this an opt-in only feature.
However, I'm excited about this new option! I believe it makes sense for many users. I also want to thank the user that took the time to write me an email and got me thinking about this - it's great to hear how people are using this plugin and what they'd like to see next. Look for an update in Firefox soon - I plan to release this with version 1.1.0!